Нью-Йорк, 1914. Henry Holt and Company. Издательский переплет.
Сохранность хорошая. Сохранена оригинальная обложка.
This volume is something more than a revision of the earlier Practice-Books. Nearly every page has been rewritten, changes in sequence have been made, and a large amount of new matter has been added.
Those who are familiar with the older manuals will note at once that Part I has been expanded to include many new exercises, argumentation in particular having received more thorough treatment. The chapters on letter writing have been carefully revised.
Two entirely new chapters appear, one containing a somewhat unusual treatment of the paragraph, the other affording practice in planning longer compositions. In Part II, the subject of grammar calls for many more pages than formerly, and the arrangement and variety of the exercises are such as to make the review of greater practical value.
Part III contains essentially all the material found in the…